ADH Hoteles

+34 900 525 671

Complaints Channel

If you become aware of any possible irregular, unethical or inappropriate conduct by any person who is employed by, represents or participates in any way with the organization, you can file a complaint through the Complaints Channel.

This channel is intended to serve as a channel of communication for reports and complaints relating to possible fraud, crime, danger or breaches of legal obligations of which an employee or person outside the company becomes aware.

The form below is available to those concerned to report such conduct.

Employees, customers, clients, users, suppliers or anyone who has contact with our services are encouraged to use these channels to send us any information that may be helpful to investigate the incident.

Confidentiality – This organisation is committed to protecting the identity of the worker raising a concern and ensures that relevant disclosures are treated in confidence. The focus will be on the wrongdoing rather than the person making the disclosure.

We remind you that you can find more detailed information about our Whistleblowing Policy in item 14 of the ADH Hotels & Resorts Corporate Policies.

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Details of the complainant
This information is not mandatory, but it will make it easier for us to contact you when handling and following up your complaint.
This information is not mandatory, but it will make it easier for us to contact you when handling and following up your complaint.
Email adress
Please indicate which company or organisation you belong to.
Please select the place where the events occurred.